


Looking to the Future


This painting represents your organisation and the principles it stands for with a customised piece of artwork. 


Circles are the meaning of life that are continually constant. Each being slightly different in shape and size as they continue to change, grow and adapt to what challenges come on our journey together towards the future. 


They also symbolise: Coming together, Collaboration and the future. 


The ripple lines outwards show the power of gathering, listening and communicating with one another to strengthen the region. The dots show participation that make up the various sectors such as staff, board members and support networks who are the driving force that strive to represent these positive outcomes. 


These lines show the organisations ability to collaborate, allowing growth, connections and the ability to explore new possibilities and opportunities for our community. 



Nyall youndoo Jinna la galing

(Happy journeys and safe travels)


Jedess Hudson